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Our Service

dashlytix are experts with BI data stacks. We build solutions to provide organisations with industry best practice and up-to-date view of their performance without the distraction of hiring or reinventing it themselves.

dashlytix service has three key components for full end-to-end data management: data consolidation, performance blueprint models, and business intelligence dashboards.

Our services make better use of your data without needing your own data team.

dashlytix data pipeline diagram

Data Consolidation

Our implementation enables organisations to leverage their existing software and data solutions – we do not believe in foregoing previous technology investments, rather make full use of what an organisation already has.

We extract data from our customers’ existing software solutions and databases, as well as set up manual data capture as an organisation requires.

Data Modelling

We develop and combine the data from multiple systems into coherent and accurate tables that include the unique business logic and provide a full picture of business performance. Our team possesses significant experience and subject matter expertise across a diverse range of businesses.

Performance Dashboards

We provide a market leading single view of an organisation’s performance through interactive dashboards. Our dashboards visualise a complete picture of an organisation’s performance and enable data-informed decision making, while providing access to the curated data behind the scenes for further drill downs and exploration. and allow you to export the data too.

Our implementation is flexible. Organisations can adapt the dashboards to incorporate branding, additional data, filters, custom reporting and metrics.

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