Sep 166 Data Integration Challenges and How to Overcome ThemWhy can't things just work? Making smart decisions depends on having the right data at your fingertips. Getting all that data from...
Jul 31Gold For CFOsImagine having a crystal-clear window into your company’s financial health, where every dollar is tracked, every cost is explained, and...
Jun 11Transforming to a Data-Driven Organisation: Make Or BuyGrowing companies often reach a stage where relying on gut feelings and manually compiled spreadsheets is no longer sustainable. This is...
Mar 13Can You Monitor Your Business From a Deserted Island?Do you know the feeling when you've been away for a few hours or days and you have no idea what's going on back in the office? Don't you...
Feb 6Embracing the Excel-Driven Client"Amazing dashboard, can I download the data to Excel?" The question every Business Intelligence professional dreads, "But you have such a...
Jan 23Navigating The Sea of DashboardsDo you think your business culture is data-driven but still have to wait days to get a simple answer? At its core, a data-driven culture...